Why Will Yuta Okkotsu Return to His Original Body? The Real Reason Why Rika Didn't Possess Satoru Gojo's Body Explained!
Jul 29, 2024
Hello, I’m KENTA, a Japanese manga enthusiast! In this post, we’ll be delving into Chapter 262 of Jujutsu Kaisen to explore how Yuta Okkotsu can return to his original body and why Rika didn’t possess Satoru Gojo’s body. If you’re a fan of Jujutsu Kaisen, you won’t want to miss this exciting discussion, so stick around until the end!
1. Yuta’s Revival and the State of His Body 1.1 The Current State of Yuta’s Body In the final scene of Chapter 262, we see Yuta’s body. It’s confirmed that Yuta’s body still exists, but what condition is it in? First, it’s important to note that Yuta’s body hasn’t completely turned into a corpse. If it were a corpse, terms like “corpse” or “remains” would be used, but in Chapter 262, it’s referred to as “Yuta’s body.” This indicates that Yuta’s body still holds the potential for revival.
1.2 Protection by Nitta’s Technique Furthermore, Yuta’s body has been preserved without decaying thanks to Nitta’s technique. Introduced in Chapter 127 during the Shibuya Incident, Nitta’s technique prevents wounds from worsening, stops bleeding, and alleviates pain. This technique, applied to Yuta’s body, has kept it from decaying.
1.3 Ieiri’s Treatment Additionally, the treatment Ieiri provided to Yuta’s body is crucial.