Top 9 Strongest Hashira in Demon Slayer: A Deep Dive into Their Charms
Oct 5, 2024
Hello, I’m KENTA, a huge manga fan from Japan! Today, we’re diving deep into a ranking of the Hashira from the popular manga Demon Slayer. By exploring their charms and unique fighting styles, you’re sure to enjoy the series from a fresh perspective! Let’s embark on this exciting adventure together!
9th Place: Shinobu Kocho Shinobu Kocho is a petite woman who serves as the Insect Hashira. Although she is smaller in stature compared to other Hashira, she makes up for it with her quick movements and unique poison techniques. In the Natagumo Mountain arc, she demonstrates her strength by defeating the Lower Moon demon, Rui. Her poison is special and can affect demons, but it has limited effectiveness against Upper Moons. Notably, it didn’t work on Upper Moon Two, Doma. While her poison is incredibly potent, she must first inflict a wound on her opponent to deliver a fatal blow, raising questions about her effectiveness against other Hashira.
8th Place: Tengen Uzui Tengen Uzui, the Sound Hashira, possesses a flashy appearance and fierce combat skills. He has a flamboyant personality and exceptional physical abilities. Using the Sound Breathing technique, he excels at explosive attacks, which are particularly strong compared to other breathing styles.