ONE PIECE: Explaining the Secrets and True Meanings of the Secrets Guarded by the Former Crew Members of Roger's Pirates
Jun 15, 2024
Hello, One Piece fans! To all One Piece fans! I am KENTA, a Japanese who loves manga. Today, let’s take a deep dive into one of the biggest mysteries of the globally loved manga “One Piece,” the Roger Pirates. The Roger Pirates are a legendary crew led by the pirate king, Gor D. Roger. What exactly did they find in Raftel and what truth did they learn? And why did they keep the truth hidden? Come, let’s dive into the sea of adventure!
The Blank 100 Years and Roger’s Pirates The Blank 100 years are still shrouded in mystery, but there are those who know the whole story. That is the Roger Pirates, a group of pirate kings. In episode 116, Vegapunk named Roger’s Pirates as the ones who know all the truth about the world. Crocus is silent upon hearing the announcement, and Silvers Reilly blurts it out over a drink. From this situation, it is easy to imagine that the world’s attention has turned to Roger’s pirates and that they are once again in a position to be targeted by the government.
Aside from Reilly, I am concerned about Crocus being in a position where the whole world is after him, but what I am more concerned about is the position of the former Roger Pirates.