Dandadan’s Top 15 Strongest Characters – Ability Breakdown and Ranking Comparison (Part 1)
Jan 18, 2025
Hello, I’m KENTA, a huge manga fan! Today, we’re going to thoroughly analyze the characters of Dandadan and bring you the Top 15 Strongest Characters ranking! The story is packed with a diverse range of characters – from aliens to yokai to humans – each with unique and powerful abilities. In this post, we’ll focus on the characters that stand out the most with their remarkable abilities. Who do you think is the strongest? I’m sure you’ll be excited as we dive into this thrilling analysis, so stick with us until the end!
1. Rank 15: Toba Demon (Shako Seijin) Taking the 15th spot on the Dandadan strongest character ranking is Toba Demon (Shako Seijin), a member of an extraterrestrial warrior race. At first glance, he may appear to move slowly, resembling a snail, but his combat power is nothing short of incredible. When he transforms into his “Doba Demon Strong Style 24,” his punch power is amplified 24 times, and the speed of his punches – delivered at 80 km/h – is enough to leave even top-tier boxers astounded.
Additionally, Toba Demon excels in underwater combat, where his punch power increases tenfold. His ultimate move, “Jet Punch,” boasts a staggering 240 times the normal punch power, making it truly terrifying.