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About this site

About this website

We have launched a manga community website with the aim of “connecting the world through manga”!
This site is multilingual (16 languages) and connects people across borders.
First, we would like to explain the mystery behind the globally popular manga “One Piece” in an easy-to-understand manner.
We would be happy if you could contact our administrator, KENTA, with any comments or opinions you may have after reading the article.

Administrator Profile

Hello, my name is KENTA, and I am the administrator of MangaZamurai.

I love manga so much that I created the site “MangaZamurai” to share its wonders with people all over the world.

I first encountered manga when I was in elementary school. One particular scene from “Dragon Ball” left a lasting impression on me. The protagonist faces challenges with his friends and grows stronger through these trials. From that moment, manga became more than just entertainment for me; it became a vital guide in my life.

My dream is to spread the greatness of manga to people worldwide. Manga is not just a combination of pictures and words. Within it, there are profound emotions, philosophies, and universal messages that transcend cultural differences. For example, “ONE PIECE” teaches the importance of bonds with friends and the pursuit of dreams, while “Demon Slayer” emphasizes family love and the spirit of self-sacrifice. These stories deeply move readers and impart valuable life lessons.

One day, I received a message from a reader saying, “After reading your articles, I encountered Japanese manga for the first time. Now, through manga, I am learning Japanese and have made many friends.” This message reassures me that I am contributing to the world through manga.

At MangaZamurai, we publish a wide range of articles, from the latest manga reviews to in-depth analyses of classic works. I invite you all to dive into the world of manga and share in its wonders.

Lastly, alongside fellow manga lovers, I will continue to work wholeheartedly to build a peaceful and prosperous world. Thank you for your support.