The captain of the Rumba-pirates, where Brook was, is alive.
Feb 10, 2024
Hello, I am KENTA, a Japanese who loves manga.
This time, I will discuss about Brook, a musician of the Straw Pirates.
Brook is on an adventure, dreaming of a “reunion” with Raboon, a whale he met when he was a member of the Rumba Pirates.
My guess was that the final chapter would be an emotional reunion not only with Raboon but also with the captain who was supposed to be dead.
Wouldn’t that be a wonderful story?
Please read to the end.
First, let’s see if we have some basic information on Brooke and Captain Yorkie.
Brook’s character model In ONE PIECE, characters are often modeled after real people in history.
My guess is that “Brook’s model is Mozart. The reason for this has to do with the fact that the country of Brook’s image is Austria.
Australia is famous for its music.
Many famous musicians, such as Mozart and Schubert, were from Austria.
The most famous city in Austria is the capital, Vienna, but there are others.
That is the famous city of Innsbruck, which also hosted the Olympic Games.
The name “Brook” is probably derived from “Innsbruck.
As a side note, there is a story that Mozart played in front of a woman in 1762 when he was 6 years old, and afterwards he jumped on her lap and kissed her several times.