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[Basics] A Must-Read for Beginners! Comprehensive Guide to Basic Terms to Enjoy Jujutsu Kaisen Even More

[Basics] A Must-Read for Beginners! Comprehensive Guide to Basic Terms to Enjoy Jujutsu Kaisen Even More

Hello, I’m KENTA, a Japanese manga enthusiast! In this article, I will thoroughly explain the basic terms to deepen your understanding of the fascinating world of Jujutsu Kaisen. We’ll unravel the intense battles and complex settings featuring characters like Yuji Itadori, Satoru Gojo, and Megumi Fushiguro. By the end of this article, you’ll be more excited about the world of Jujutsu Kaisen!

1. What is Cursed Energy?

1.1 Basics of Cursed Energy Cursed Energy is the negative energy emanating from humans. Essentially, every human being is born with Cursed Energy. Sorcerers use this energy to fight against Cursed Spirits. The source of Cursed Energy is human emotions, particularly negative emotions, which generate this energy.

1.2 Generation of Cursed Energy Cursed Energy is born from negative human emotions such as fear, hatred, resentment, envy, and sadness. These emotions leak out and become Cursed Energy. By possessing Cursed Energy, the body is strengthened. Sorcerers use this energy to perform techniques and battle Cursed Spirits.

1.2.1 Example of Cursed Energy In the story, Yuji Itadori awakens his Cursed Energy. He releases Cursed Energy by harboring strong emotions such as fear and anger, confronting Cursed Spirits. This illustrates how Cursed Energy is significantly influenced by emotions.

2. What are Cursed Spirits?

2.1 Formation of Cursed Spirits Cursed Spirits are entities formed from accumulated Cursed Energy leaked from humans. Made of Cursed Energy, they cannot be seen or touched by ordinary people without Cursed Energy. Only sorcerers can exorcise Cursed Spirits.

2.1.1 Conditions for the Appearance of Cursed Spirits Cursed Spirits appear when negative human emotions gather in specific places. Locations like schools, hospitals, and tunnels are depicted as places where Cursed Spirits commonly emerge. These areas attract Cursed Energy because people often feel fear or anxiety there.

2.2 Types of Cursed Spirits 2.2.1 Ordinary Cursed Spirits Ordinary Cursed Spirits are born from everyday negative emotions. Many deaths and disappearances in Japan are attributed to these spirits. They are relatively weak and often dealt with by Grade 3 or Grade 2 sorcerers.

2.2.2 Special Grade Cursed Spirits Special Grade Cursed Spirits are born from particularly strong emotions like extreme fear or hatred. Examples include “Hanako of the Toilet” and “Nine-Tailed Fox,” entities feared for generations. These spirits are highly dangerous, requiring Special Grade Sorcerers to handle them.

2.2.3 Cursed Womb: Death Paintings Cursed Womb: Death Paintings are special entities among Special Grade Cursed Spirits, created through unique rituals. In the story, parts of the Death Paintings appear, showcasing their immense power and unique nature. These entities are halfway between humans and Cursed Spirits, making them particularly troublesome foes.

3. Jujutsu and Techniques

3.1 Basics of Techniques Techniques are methods or forms of using Cursed Energy. Sorcerers are born with specific techniques, which they use to manipulate Cursed Energy. Each sorcerer has unique techniques with various properties and effects.

3.1.1 Origin of Techniques Techniques are determined by a sorcerer’s innate talent and lineage. For example, the Gojo family’s “Limitless” and the Zenin family’s “Projection Sorcery” are techniques passed down through generations. These techniques have been refined over time.

3.2 Types of Techniques 3.2.1 Positive Energy Techniques Positive Energy Techniques use Cursed Energy directly. For example, Satoru Gojo’s “Limitless” is a Positive Energy Technique. These techniques utilize Cursed Energy directly, making them powerful and offensive.

3.2.2 Reversed Cursed Techniques Reversed Cursed Techniques combine negative Cursed Energy to create positive energy, mainly used for healing. Using Reversed Cursed Techniques, sorcerers can heal themselves or others.

3.2.3 Inverted Techniques Inverted Techniques reverse the effect of regular techniques. This allows offensive techniques to become defensive and vice versa. Satoru Gojo’s “Limitless” uses Inverted Techniques to achieve various effects.

3.3 Domain Expansion Domain Expansion is a technique that projects the sorcerer’s inner world into reality using Cursed Energy. Within the domain, techniques are guaranteed to hit, and the sorcerer’s abilities are significantly enhanced. Domain Expansion is an advanced technique mastered by few sorcerers.

3.3.1 Principle of Domain Expansion Domain Expansion projects the sorcerer’s inner world into the real world. This world is shaped by the sorcerer’s will and emotions, resulting in highly personalized domains. Within the domain, the sorcerer’s abilities are maximized, giving them overwhelming advantage over their opponents.

3.3.2 Effects of Domain Expansion Enhanced Abilities The domain environment is the same as the sorcerer’s mind, allowing them to fully utilize their abilities. This enables stronger attacks and defenses than usual.

Guaranteed Hit Effect Techniques used within the domain are guaranteed to hit, allowing for powerful attacks. Techniques like Satoru Gojo’s “Limitless” become exceptionally formidable due to their guaranteed hit effect.

Nullification of Enemy Techniques Within the domain, enemy techniques can be nullified. This allows the sorcerer to defend against enemy attacks while ensuring their own techniques hit.

4. Vows and Their Effects

4.1 Basics of Vows Vows are commitments made by or between sorcerers. Keeping these vows enhances abilities, while breaking them results in punishment. Vows are crucial for sorcerers, as setting vows allows them to use powerful techniques.

4.2 Self-Imposed Vows and Vows with Others 4.2.1 Self-Imposed Vows Self-imposed vows are vows a sorcerer sets for themselves. For example, limiting their use of Cursed Energy during work hours, increasing it after hours. Setting such vows enables sorcerers to exert more powerful Cursed Energy.

4.2.2 Vows with Others Vows with others are commitments made between sorcerers. Breaking these vows results in punishment, necessitating careful handling. In the story, Sukuna and Yuji Itadori make such a vow. Sukuna can temporarily control Yuji’s body in exchange for reviving him.

4.3 Examples of Vows Kento Nanami’s Vow Kento Nanami sets a vow to limit his use of Cursed Energy during work hours, increasing it after hours. This vow allows him to use Cursed Energy efficiently.

Life-Sacrificing Vow A life-sacrificing vow involves risking one’s life to gain immense power temporarily. Though highly risky, it grants significant power.

  1. Other Basic Terms 5.1 Special Grade Cursed Objects Special Grade Cursed Objects are items with exceptionally strong Cursed Energy. In the story, Sukuna’s fingers are examples. These fingers hold immense Cursed Energy, granting significant power when consumed.

5.1.1 Role of Sukuna’s Fingers

Sukuna’s fingers are Special Grade Cursed Objects containing Sukuna’s power. Consuming them allows Yuji Itadori to utilize part of Sukuna’s power. The struggle for these fingers forms a central element of the plot.

5.2 Cursed Tools Cursed Tools are weapons or tools infused with Cursed Energy, enabling sorcerers to fight Cursed Spirits more effectively. Examples include tools for delivering Black Flash or amplifying Cursed Energy.

5.2.1 Types of Cursed Tools Blunt Tools Weapons that amplify Cursed Energy to deliver powerful strikes. An example is the “Black Stick” used by Yuji Itadori.

Cutting Tools Weapons that use Cursed Energy to deliver slashing attacks, used to cut through Cursed Spirits.

5.3 Black Flash Black Flash is a phenomenon that occurs when Cursed Energy release and physical attack coincide within 0.000001 seconds. This significantly amplifies the attack’s power by 2.5 times. Experiencing Black Flash sharpens a sorcerer’s control over Cursed Energy, elevating their skills.

5.3.1 Effects of Black Flash Successfully performing Black Flash allows sorcerers to deliver exceptionally high damage. Additionally, sorcerers who experience Black Flash gain heightened sensitivity to Cursed Energy, significantly improving their skills. The story features scenes where Yuji Itadori performs Black Flash, emphasizing its power and importance.

6. Sorcerer Grades

6.1 Basics of Sorcerer Grades Sorcerers are classified by their abilities into grades. The grades typically progress from Grade 3, Grade 2, Semi-Grade 1, Grade 1, to Special Grade. Special Grade represents the highest rank, reserved for exceptionally powerful sorcerers.

6.1.1 Roles of Each Grade Each grade has specific roles. Grade 3 and Grade 2 sorcerers handle basic Cursed Spirit exorcisms, while Grade 1 and Special Grade sorcerers manage more dangerous missions. Special Grade sorcerers possess extraordinary combat skills, required for national-level crises.

6.2 Examples of Sorcerer Grades Satoru Gojo (Special Grade Sorcerer) Satoru Gojo, a Special Grade sorcerer, possesses exceptional combat abilities. His “Limitless” technique boasts unparalleled defensive and offensive power.

Yuji Itadori (Semi-Grade 1 Sorcerer Candidate) Yuji Itadori, with his potential and skills, is expected to grow into a Semi-Grade 1 sorcerer. His growth journey forms a significant part of the story.

7. Jujutsu Regulations

7.1 Basics of Jujutsu Regulations The Jujutsu world has laws governing sorcerers’ actions, known as Jujutsu Regulations. For instance, sorcerers who intentionally kill other sorcerers using techniques are subject to execution. These regulations are crucial for maintaining order within the Jujutsu world.

7.1.1 Examples of Jujutsu Regulations Article 9, Section 3 Sorcerers who intentionally kill other sorcerers using techniques are expelled from the Jujutsu community and subject to execution. This prevents unnecessary conflict among sorcerers.

Article 14 Sorcerers who misuse Special Grade Cursed Objects face severe punishment. This regulation prevents the unlawful use of powerful Cursed Objects.

8. Other Important Terms

8.1 Cursed Womb: Death Paintings Cursed Womb: Death Paintings are special entities among Special Grade Cursed Spirits, created through unique rituals. In the story, parts of the Death Paintings appear, showcasing their immense power and unique nature. These entities are halfway between humans and Cursed Spirits, making them particularly troublesome foes.

8.2 Cursed Spirit Manipulation Cursed Spirit Manipulation is a technique for controlling Cursed Spirits, used by sorcerers to employ them in combat. Mastery of this technique allows sorcerers to manipulate multiple Cursed Spirits simultaneously.

8.2.1 Examples of Cursed Spirit Manipulation Maki Zenin’s Cursed Spirit Manipulation Maki Zenin uses Cursed Spirit Manipulation to control multiple Cursed Spirits in combat. Her technique holds high tactical value.

Toge Inumaki’s Cursed Speech Toge Inumaki uses Cursed Speech to control opponents with his words. This powerful technique can render opponents immobile with a single command.

8.3 Advanced Techniques Advanced Techniques are enhanced versions of basic techniques, providing more potent effects. These are often acquired through extensive training and experience.

8.3.1 Examples of Advanced Techniques Kento Nanami’s Ratio Technique Kento Nanami uses an advanced technique to pinpoint weaknesses in enemies, delivering precise strikes. This technique is renowned for its accuracy.

Nobara Kugisaki’s Resonance Nobara Kugisaki drives nails into her body to inflict damage on opponents using Resonance. This advanced technique is crucial to her combat style.


The charm of Jujutsu Kaisen lies in its intricate and unique settings. By understanding the basic terms introduced in this article, you can enjoy the story more deeply. Whether you are new to Jujutsu Kaisen or already a fan, we hope this guide helps enhance your experience.

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