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Chainsaw Man's Angel Devil Explained! From Profile to Abilities!

Chainsaw Man's Angel Devil Explained! From Profile to Abilities!

Hello, I’m KENTA, a Japanese manga enthusiast! In this blog, we’ll be diving into the details of Angel, the Angel Devil from Chainsaw Man. From his unique profile and powerful abilities to his significant role in the story, we’ve got all the exciting details covered. Whether you’re a longtime fan or learning about Angel for the first time, there’s something here to captivate everyone. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!

Angel’s Profile

Angel is a Devil Hunter in the Public Safety Devil Hunters’ Special Division 4. He appears very human-like, which makes him more approachable, despite being a male devil with a feminine appearance. Angel first appears during a raid on a building occupied by terrorists. Captain Kishibe introduces him, saying, “This one is a special devil. He has no hostility towards humans, but don’t get too close. Touching him will drain your lifespan.”

Angel’s personality is anything but angelic; he is lazy and constantly unmotivated. Despite his slender frame and visible bones, he has a surprisingly large appetite. After consuming three ice creams, he still asks for another, and during meals with Aki, he devours large servings of fried rice, ramen, and dumplings.

Angel’s True Identity and Abilities

・Angel’s True Identity Angel is not a fiend but a devil with a human appearance. This distinction is clear from Kishibe’s introduction, where Beam and Galgali are identified as fiends, while Princi and Angel are referred to as devils. Angel is recognized as one of the strongest devil hunters, second only to Captain Kishibe.

・Angel’s Abilities Angel possesses two notable abilities:

The ability to drain the lifespan of any human he touches. This power is nullified if there is fabric between his skin and the person he touches. When Aki pulled Angel to safety, he lost two months of his lifespan, indicating that the duration of contact affects how much lifespan is drained.

The ability to convert the drained lifespan into weapons, known as “lifespan weapons.” Aki’s sword, used after losing his abilities with the Fox Devil and Curse Devil, is one such weapon. These weapons are not one-time-use and can cut through even intangible entities like ghosts. However, Angel is reluctant to use this ability because the souls of those turned into weapons appear in his dreams, haunting him.

Angel’s Role in the Story

・Battle with the Typhoon Devil During the battle with the Typhoon Devil, Angel is nearly swept away by the violent winds but is saved by Aki. In doing so, Aki loses two months of his lifespan, deepening the bond between them significantly.

・City Mouse and Country Mouse Angel expresses a preference for the life of a “country mouse,” disliking the dangers and lifestyle of the city. This reflects his resentment towards Makima, who captured him and forced him into urban life, indicating his unhappiness with his current situation.

Angel’s Final Moments and Future Appearances

・Angel’s Final Moments On their way to consult Makima, Angel recalls his past, remembering the people he loved and the tragic events where he drained their lifespans by Makima’s orders. Tormented by these memories, Angel attempts to rebel against Makima but is ultimately subdued by her powers. He ends up dedicating himself entirely to Makima, becoming a powerful weapon in her arsenal.

・Future Appearances As a member of Chainsaw Man’s faction, Angel is expected to make an appearance in the second part of the story. His complex character and tragic past have made him a fan favorite, and many are eagerly anticipating his return.

The Origin of Angel’s Name

Angel’s name is derived from the ranks of angels in Christian theology. In Chainsaw Man, the names of devils in the Chainsaw Devil’s faction correspond to these angelic ranks, with Angel representing the ninth rank, “Angels.” This name reflects his angelic appearance but also his fallen, devilish nature.

Angel and Aki’s Relationship

Angel and Aki start as partners with little in common, but their relationship evolves through shared experiences and battles. The turning point comes during the fight against the Typhoon Devil, where Aki’s sacrifice to save Angel creates a deep bond of trust and cooperation between them.

In conclusion, Angel’s story in Chainsaw Man is both fascinating and heartbreaking. How did you find it? At MangaZamurai, we bring you deep dives into various Japanese manga characters and stories. Explore our other articles to discover more about the captivating world of Japanese manga!

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