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Blackbeard's Pirates Member Profile

Blackbeard's Pirates Member Profile

A small group of elite pirates led by Marshall D. Teach, who originally started out as a member of Whitebeard’s Pirate Corps No. 2.
The boat is a huge log boat.
Like Captain Teach, they are all big and bold in character.
In the early days of its formation, only five members destroyed the Drum Kingdom, and during the chaos of the Summit War, five new members were added at Impel Down.
In the New World Arc, he is based on the pirate island of Hachinos, and is working with former naval general Kuzan, although details are unknown.

Member Profile

1. Marshall D. Teach

He is the captain of Blackbeard’s pirates.
He formerly served as a member of Whitebeard’s Pirates Squadron 2.
He had been a member of Whitebeard’s pirates for more than 22 years because he believed that the Yami Yami berries were the most likely to be obtained. When his best friend at the time, Captain Satch of Unit 4, obtained the Yami Yami berries, he killed him and escaped with the berries.
Later, he moved to take the title of Pirate King and formed the Blackbeard Pirates.
He is the one who once inflicted three wounds on Shanks’ left eye.


Title. Details
post Commander, Blackbeard’s Pirates
devil’s fruit Yami Yami no Mi, Gulagura no Mi
reward 3,996 million berries
first appearance Episode 133 “Adventure in the Land with No Name”
real name Marshall D. Teach
alias Blackbeard
organization Whitebeard’s Pirates Squadron 2/Sailor→Blackbeard’s Pirates/Admiral
ship belonging to The Moby Dick to the Sabre of Zeebeck
age 40 years old
birthday August 3 (Yami Yami)
stature 344cm
constellation Leo (constellation)
blood type F type
birthplace The Great Passage
favourite food Cherry pie, kebabs
Dislikes gravy
Weapons in use Claws, pistols
tastes Gambling, historical research
imaginary animal Hippopotamus

2. Jesus Burgess

He is the captain of the first ship of the Blackbeard Pirates, nicknamed “Champion.
He fights with his bare hands and uses the high energy of his armament color.
He looks like a professional wrestler and has monstrous strength, just like his impression.
He has a very quarrelsome personality, and the image of the character is one of striking with overwhelming force anyway, rather than using his brains to think.
He was one of the initial members of the Blackbeard Pirates when they were formed, and seems to have known Teach for a long time.


Title. Details
post Captain and helmsman of the number one ship of Blackbeard’s Pirates
devil’s fruit Likiriki fruit
reward 20 million berries (2 years ago)
first appearance Episode 133 “Adventure in the Land with No Name”
Name Jesus Burgess
nickname champion
ship belonging to The Sabre of Zeebeck
age 29 years old
birthday December 25 (Jesus → Jesus Christ → Christmas)
stature 355cm
constellation Capricorn
blood type F type
birthplace The Great Passage
favourite food protein
Weapons in use Pistols, knives (basically no weapons as they are used in hand-to-hand combat)

3. siliu

He is the captain of the second ship of the Blackbeard Pirates, nicknamed “Shiryu of the Rain.
Shiryu was formerly the head guard at Impel Down, but was held in “Level 6” as a prisoner because of his problem of killing prisoners in the right mood.
Magellan, the current chief jailer of Impel Down, was confronting Luffy when Teach invaded Impel Down.
Therefore, he released Shiryu as a countermeasure to capture Blackbeard’s pirates.
However, Shiryu failed to meet expectations, and rather than capture Teach, he joined Blackbeard’s pirate crew.
He is a dangerous man with an abnormality that enjoys the sensation of cutting flesh.


Title. Details
post Captain of Ship No. 2, Blackbeard’s Pirates
devil’s fruit Sketchy Fruit
reward unknown
Name Shiliu
nickname Rain Shiryu
organization Impel Down/Captain of the guard → Blackbeard Pirates, Ship No. 2/Captain
ship belonging to The Sabre of Zeebeck
age 44 years old
birthday June 11 (entering the rainy season)
stature 340cm
constellation Gemini (constellation)
blood type X type
birthplace The Great Passage
favourite food Beef Steak (Rare)
Weapons in use The famous sword “Thunderstorm”.

4. Van Auger

He is the captain and sniper of the third ship of Blackbeard’s pirates.
He is one of the five initial members of Blackbeard’s Pirates who have been with the group since its inception.
He is a highly accurate sniper who can hit even small birds as far as several kilometers away.
Outwardly, he appears calm, but he is surprisingly noticeably belligerent.
He has an unusual way of speaking, often using the words “fate” and “destiny,” and often waxing poetic about destiny.


Title. Details
post Captain and Sniper, Blackbeard’s Pirates, Third Ship
devil’s fruit Wapu Wapu Fruit
reward 64 million berries (2 years ago)
first appearance Episode 133 “Adventure in a Country with No Name” (silhouette only)
Name Van Auger
nickname Vietnamese reading (of Chinese characters)
ship belonging to The Sabre of Zeebeck
age 27 years old
birthday October 5 (sound voice)
stature 340cm
constellation Libra (constellation)
blood type X type
birthplace East Sea
favourite food Dark pot of luck
Weapons in use My favorite gun “Senriku

5. Avalo Pizarro

He is the captain of the fourth ship of Blackbeard’s pirates.
He is a former prisoner of LEVEL 6 in Impel Down.
All the other prisoners at Impel Down wore prison uniforms, but only one, Avalo Pizarro, did not.
The reason for this was that he was a powerful man in the country.
He once conquered a country by force of arms, but the people revolted against him because of his vicious politics, and as a result, he seems to have entered the Impel Down.
He has been seen using a Gatling gun-like device on both arms as a means of attack during the summit battle.


Title. Details
post Captain of the fourth ship of Blackbeard’s Pirates
devil’s fruit Stripy Stripy Fruit
reward unknown
first appearance Episode 575 “Anger Without Words”
Name Avalo Pizarro
nickname King of Misrule
ship belonging to The Sabre of Zeebeck
age 42 years old
birthday September 30 (King of Bad Government = 930)
stature 505cm
constellation Libra (constellation)
blood type X type
birthplace North Sea
favourite food Shark’s Fin Soup
Weapons in use None

6. Lafite

He is the captain of the fifth ship of the Blackbeard Pirates, also known as the Oni Sheriff.
He often serves in important roles and is more loyal to Teach than other members.
I even said to a colleague who suggested changing captains, “I’m going to kill you.
Before joining Blackbeard’s Pirates, he had been a sheriff in West Blue, but was expelled from the country due to violent acts.


Title. Details
post Captain and Navigator of the 5th ship of Blackbeard’s Pirates
devil’s fruit Name unknown
reward 42.2 million berries (2 years ago)
first appearance Episode 133 “Adventure in a Country with No Name” (silhouette only)
Name Lafite
nickname Oni Sheriff
organization Sheriff of the Western Seas→Blackbeard’s Pirates, Ship No. 5/Captain and Navigator
ship belonging to The Sabre of Zeebeck
age 41 years old
birthday March 13th (Saemin)
stature 340cm
constellation Pisces (constellation)
blood type X type
birthplace Western Sea
favourite food Lollipop Candy
personal effects walking stick

7. Katharina Devon

He is the captain of the 6th ship of Blackbeard’s pirates.
She is the only female character in Blackbeard’s pirates and one of the prisoners held in “Level 6” at Impel Down.
She is feared as the “worst female prisoner in history” because of her obsession with beauty and her hobby of killing beautiful women and collecting their heads.


Title. Details
post Captain of the 6th ship of Blackbeard’s Pirates
devil’s fruit Inuinu no Mi (Inuinu no Nuts) Phantasmagoric type, modeled after the “Nine-Tailed Fox
reward unknown
first appearance Episode 575 “Anger Without Words”
Name Katharina DEVON
nickname Worst Female Prisoner in History, Hunting for Wakatsuki
ship belonging to The Sabre of Zeebeck
age 36 years old
birthday March 29 (mi=3,kazu=2,ki=9)
stature 361cm
constellation Aries (constellation)
blood type F type
birthplace South Sea
favourite food White meat of young chicken
arms Spear (used when stabbing Whitebeard)

8. San Juan Wolf

He is the captain of the 7th ship of the Blackbeard Pirates, also known as the “Giant Battleship.
He is one of the prisoners held in “LEVEL 6” of Impel Down, but his body is quite huge.
At 180 meters at its largest, it was the largest of all the Titan tribes and was so large that it could not be hidden by its huge fortress during the summit battle at Marine Ford.
His out-of-spec size is due to his demon fruit ability. This was revealed in the official character book, and it was confirmed that he had the ability to use the devil fruit when he was immersed in seawater and said, “I can’t get any strength into my body!” It was confirmed that he has the ability of the devil’s fruit when he was immersed in seawater in the book.


Title. Details
post Captain of the Seventh Ship, Blackbeard’s Pirates
devil’s fruit Dekadekake Dekake no Fruits
reward unknown
first appearance Episode 575 “Anger Without Words”
Name San Juan Wolf
nickname gigantic battleship
ship belonging to The Sabre of Zeebeck
age 99 years old
birthday March 2 (San Juan Wolf)
stature Max. 18,000 cm
constellation Pisces (constellation)
blood type S type
birthplace West Sea Giant Village
favourite food Grilled salted sea kings
tribe Giants

9. vasco shot

He is the captain of the 8th ship of the Blackbeard Pirates, also known as “Basco Shot”.
As his alias suggests, he seems to be a big drinker, always carrying around a huge gourd of alcohol.
A member who joined the group at the time of the Impel Down prison break and was housed in “LEVEL 6”.
He has barely appeared on the scene yet, and details about his fighting style and whether he is a demon fruit powerhouse are still unknown.


Title. Details
post Captain of the Eighth Ship, Blackbeard’s Pirates
devil’s fruit Gulp Gulp Fruit
reward unknown
first appearance Episode 575 “Anger Without Words”
Name Vasco SCHOTT
nickname Vasco shot of heavy drinking
ship belonging to The Sabre of Zeebeck
age 38 years old
birthday August 5 (ba=8,sco=5)
stature 573cm
constellation Leo (constellation)
blood type X type
birthplace South Sea
favourite food Shaoxing wine
personal effects Giant gourds

10. Doc Q

He is the captain of the 9th ship of the Blackbeard Pirates, also known as the “Grim Reaper.
He is the ship’s doctor for Blackbeard’s pirates, but so far he has only been portrayed as very frail and basically vomiting blood.
He is riding his beloved horse, Stroger, who is also as frail as his name suggests.


Title. Details
post Captain and ship’s doctor of the 9th ship of Blackbeard’s Pirates
devil’s fruit Shikshiku-no-Fruit
reward 72 million berries (2 years ago)
first appearance Episode 133 “Adventure in a Country with No Name” (silhouette only)
Name Doc Q
nickname god of death
ship belonging to The Sabre of Zeebeck
age 28 years old
birthday October 18 (Doc Q = 10,9,9)
stature 342cm
constellation Libra (constellation)
blood type S type
birthplace North Sea
favourite food Apples without bombs
Weapons in use Scythe (name unknown)

11. kuzan

Kuzan is a former general of the Navy Headquarters and the current captain of the 10th ship of Blackbeard’s Pirates.
For a long time, the 10th member was unknown, but in episode 1081, it was revealed that Ao Kijiji is the 10th member.
He used to stand for “burning justice,” but after the O’Hara incident, his own justice was shaken, and he began to stand for “justice that is all over the place.
After losing the battle with Akainu a.k.a. Sakazaki and retiring from the Navy, he met Blackbeard and offered to join him.


Title. Details
post Captain of the 10th ship of Blackbeard’s Pirates
devil’s fruit The Fruit of the Flies
reward unknown
first appearance Episode 318 “Closing
Name Kuzan
nickname Ao Kijiji (when he was a naval general)
organization Navy Headquarters/Rear Admiral→General→Blackbeard’s Pirates, 10th Ship/Captain
ship belonging to Navy ship→Saber of Zeebeck
age 49 years old
birthday September 21 (Birthday of model Yusaku Matsuda)
stature 298cm
constellation Virgo (constellation)
blood type F type
birthplace South Sea
favourite food Sherry (tiope), dairy milk, coffee
uphold justice Burning justice → Lazy justice

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