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  5. Shanks did not eat the devil's fruit! We will tell you the evidence for this.

Shanks did not eat the devil's fruit! We will tell you the evidence for this.

Shanks did not eat the devil's fruit! We will tell you the evidence for this.

Hello, I am KENTA, the manager of MANGAZAMURAI.
It is said that Shanks, the leader of the Four Emperors Red-Haired Pirates, may have the ability of “Devil’s Fruit” because of his strength.
But my answer is “NO.
I don’t think I eat devil’s fruit.
In this article, I will present the evidence to say that Shanks is not eating devil’s fruit.

Where the one-piece is located

In this discussion, the location where one piece is located is a very important point.
In conclusion, I think the Greatest Treasure of One Piece is located in a space like an undersea cave.
This is the image.
If you are wondering where it is located, please click here for a past discussion.

Where is Raftel, where One Piece is said to sleep?

Where is Raftel, where One Piece is said to sleep?

Hello! This is KENTA, who recently went to Thailand on a trip. The Pad Thai was very delicious. In this issue, we will discuss the location of Raftel based on the foreshadowing in the main story of One Piece. The final destination of the Straw Hat gang in One Piece is Raftel. There has been a lot of foreshadowing, but the full extent of it is still shrouded in mystery. What is Raftel? Episode 105. The last island of the Grand Line, whose existence is revealed for the first time. “It is the last stop on the Grand Line, and the only people in history to have identified the island are a band of pirate kings. It’s an island of legend.” And a shocking fact revealed in Episode 967. “Why don’t we give this [last island], where no one has been able to go for 800 years, a name like this! Raftel.” It turns out that the name [Rafter] is English for [Laugh Tale], a funny story, and that it was Roger who named it. At first, we thought that we could get there by continuing through the Grand Line, but it turned out that we could not get there by log-posting in Episode 818.

See the scene here.
A map of the great wealth sunk to the bottom of the sea. I shivered.
When Buggy was young, he found a treasure map from Shanks’ ship, searching for a huge fortune sunk to the bottom of the ocean.
However, he ate the devil’s fruit and missed that treasure because he could not swim.
As a result, only Buggy was unable to swim among Roger’s pirates at that time.

My guess is that it was necessary for Roger’s pirates to swim once in order to get to Raftel in the sea at that time.
When Roger’s pirates entered Raftel, only Baggy, a sailor, had a high fever and could not go to Raftel! The scene where he talks about this is shown below.
I think this is because Buggy was the only one of Roger’s pirates who ate the devil’s fruit, and since he could not swim, he lied that he himself had a high fever and did not go underwater.
This makes sense.

If you can’t swim, you can’t get a dress

After Roger was executed, Shanks knew he needed “Nika’s ability” and got the rubbery fruit.
If he needed “Nika’s ability”, I think Shanks would eat it on the spot.
But he did not.
I think the reason Shanks did not eat the rubber-rubber fruit is because he knew that he could not become a person of ability.
If that is the case, the Four Emperors other than Shanks will not be able to obtain a one-piece even if they reach Raftel.
So Shanks tried to intercept Nika when she reached Raftel.
When Shanks learns that Luffy has awakened to Nika, he says to Beck, “It’s time to go get him.

The Japanese kanji characters are unnaturally used to mean “to take” instead of “to go for”.
Shanks is probably thinking of swimming to rob the other four emperors.
Shanks knows that he needs to swim, which is why none of the red-haired pirates are gifted despite being the Four Emperors.

Luffy cannot reach One Piece

The explanation so far is that Luffy, who cannot swim, will not be able to get the One Piece even if he reaches Raftel.
I thought about how Luffy, who cannot swim, could get the One Piece in a space like an undersea cave.
This is Frankie’s future.
Depending on Frankie’s future as considered in the past, you may be able to get it.
If you are interested, please see this surprising discussion.

Frankie will eventually go from being a "shipbuilder" to a "giant battleship"?

Frankie will eventually go from being a "shipbuilder" to a "giant battleship"?

Hello! I am “KENTA”, a Japanese who loves manga. Frankie the Shipbuilder is actually very mysterious. The first and foremost mystery is that it is not his “real name. His real name is “Kati Flamm,” but the wanted person’s name is listed as “Frankie. It is also strange that the photo is not of her, but of the “ship. Why is that? I was thinking about it and came to a conclusion. It was: “Frankie will be a battlecruiser as Battle Frankie No. 39. Here are some of the grounds on which we have arrived at this conclusion. Frankie real name is the name of a real ship in the past First, we will discuss Frankie’s real name “Katifram”. With “Kati” and “Frum” each had its own meaning. The “Kati” is the famous ship “The Cutty Sark” built in England in the 19th century, and I believe the author, Mr. Oda, adopted “The Cutty Sark” because it is also used as a drink. Senor Pink, whom Frankie fell in love with as a Han. I think Frankie is exchanging drinks with Senor Pink when his dream comes true, because in the parting scene, he promises, “If we meet somewhere someday, have a drink and talk”.

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Luffy vs. Shanks The last boss may be Shanks

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Is Shanks a friend or foe? Or is he an enemy? Hostility to the World Government

Is Shanks a friend or foe? Or is he an enemy? Hostility to the World Government

Hello! I am KENTA, a Japanese who loves One Piece. The “Red-Haired” Shanks are the ones we would like to focus on this time. In the movie version of “Film Red,” Shanks rescued Uta with the Straw Hat crew. In this picture, too, Shanks seems to be an ally who leads Luffy to One Piece. At this point, however, it is not clear whether Shanks stands on the “World Government side” or the “pirate side. First of all, let me tell you what I think. I assume that “Shanks, although born a World Noble, has strong hostile intentions toward the World Nobles and the World Government. Let’s take a closer look. Relationship between Shanks and the World Government At this point, it is not clear whether Shanks stands on the World Government side or the pirate side. However, the following three points suggest that “Shanks has hostile intentions toward the World Government. The following is a step-by-step explanation. 1. Shanks’ background Looking at Shanks’ background so far, I think it is highly likely that he was actually born a Tenryujin and raised as a pirate. In the movie version “FILM RED,” it was suggested that Shanks is of the “Figurand” family, which belongs to a high rank among the Tenryujin.