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  5. Consider Luffy's [End of Dream]! That scene in the first episode was foreshadowing.

Consider Luffy's [End of Dream]! That scene in the first episode was foreshadowing.

Consider Luffy's [End of Dream]! That scene in the first episode was foreshadowing.

I am KENTA, the administrator of this site, a Japanese who loves manga.
Suddenly, Ace’s deathbed. Do you remember this scene?
“I have one regret. I can’t see the end of your dreams.”

It was first revealed in Ace’s line just before his death in episode 574.
Even now, after more than 1,000 episodes, the specifics remain unclear.
There have been numerous discussions about “the end of the dream,” but this time, I would like to introduce a hypothesis derived from a thorough investigation of the descriptions that lead to “the end of the dream.

What is Luffy’s [end of dream]?

First, let me start with a conclusion.
Luffy’s [end of dream] is [to buy all the countries in the world and create one free country].
More specifically, [to help people around the world who suffer from domination, we will buy the world with the vast treasure we find in Rafteru and create one free country without domination].

If you are mute when you hear this, your reaction is the same as Robin’s!
And if you think [there’s no way you can do it], I’m with Usopp!
Please read them in order and see to the end as I am sure you will be convinced.

Roger, the pirate king, and his ideas

First, here are four important points about the “end of the dream” that we know so far.
In considering what the “end of the dream” is, the key point is that [Luffy and Roger are of the same mind].
That is Episode 506, Shanks and Reilly’s conversation.
“Mr. Reilly! I’m really surprised! There’s a kid in East Blue who says the same thing as Captain Roger!”
This scene shows that [the end of Luffy’s dream] and [Roger’s idea] were the same.

Also, in episode 966, in Oden’s past recollection, there is a scene where Roger says something to Oden and Whitebeard, “I am…”
This is exactly the same composition as when Luffy told Ace and Sabo about [the end of the dream] in his childhood.
As indicated by the arrow, even the position of the adhesive bandage is the same.
This is why we can say that Luffy and Roger were thinking about the end of the exact same dream.

Everyone’s reaction to hearing the end of the dream

Next, let’s look at everyone’s reaction when they heard [the end of the dream] from Luffy.
Please see the summary.

person Response.
Ace. Look what you’ve come up with!
Sabo. I’m looking forward to your future!
Whitebeard. You’re not even a kid! (LAUGHS)
Oden Silent (surprised with laughter)
Zorro Ha?
Nami. What? It’s just like you!
Usopp. There’s no way I can do that!
Sanji. Chopper! Look at Luffy’s head!
Chopper! Wow! Nice!
Frankie. That’s great!
Robin. Mute (surprised)
Brooke. Too funny!
Zimbabwe You’re no stranger to this! (LAUGHS)

And Shanks’ reaction, spoken by Luffy in episode 1060, was “Did I laugh! With tears in his eyes.”
I think it’s more that I was [moved] by the fact that he said the same thing as Captain Roger, rather than that it was [tear-jerkingly funny].
These reactions indicate that it is [something] out of the ordinary, childish, and impossible to think about.

What lies [beyond] becoming the pirate king.

The next point to keep in mind is that [the end of Luffy’s dream lies beyond becoming the pirate king].
Here are two descriptions of this.
The first depiction is the scene where Roger told Whitebeard and Oden.
“The government is telling us not to go to the last island where there are rumors of enormous treasures! The rumors of treasure will be true. If we get there, we’ll be the best pirates in the world, both in name and reality! And then I’ll be the best pirate in the world!”
As we can see from this line of Roger’s, [the end of Roger’s dream] is [beyond] reaching Raftel and becoming the pirate king.
And at this time, what Roger was looking for in Raftel was [a vast treasure].
In other words, it is highly likely that Roger was trying to achieve [the end of the dream] using the [enormous treasure] he obtained in Raftel.

And the second description is in Episode 22.
Gaimon, a mysterious figure who lives on Rarity Island, depicted in only one episode between the Buggy and Usopp Arc.
Guymon said to Luffy, “You should find One Piece and buy the world!” Luffy immediately replies, “Yes, I will.”
The word [buy the world], which is associated with [domination], is the exact opposite of Luffy’s freedom-loving personality.
Therefore, many people must have been uncomfortable with the fact that Luffy accepted it without any confusion at all.
This makes it highly likely that using [the enormous treasure found in Raftel] will lead to the end of the dream.
Also, Luffy has been talking about [paying for treasure] since he was a child.

This shows that from a very early age I understood that [if you have treasure, you can get things].

New Era Revealed in Conversation with Uta

The most important description is in the One Piece anime episode 1030, which was aired in the [ONE PIECE FILM RED] linked episode.
Here is a conversation between Uta and Luffy in his childhood.

  • Uta -> “What’s your new era? "
  • Luffy: “I want to explore the world! I want to go to all kinds of places, meet all kinds of people, and eat all kinds of food! "

This represents a “new era” and the “end of the dream” for Luffy.
However, the conversation between the two following this turns everything upside down.

  • Uta: “That won’t change the world, will it?”
  • Luffy: “Well, I’ll decide soon!”

When I had a conversation with Uta as a child, I realized that [adventures, meeting people, and eating various foods] would not change the world.
From this description, it is confirmed that the timing of Luffy’s decision on [the end of the dream] is between this time when he talked with Uta about the new era and the time when Shanks left the Windmill Village.

However, it is hard to imagine that [the end of the dream] could be born out of nothing all of a sudden.
In other words, it is more natural to think that there was some triggering event that determined [the end of the dream].
So what exactly is the event?
I am only guessing, but there is one particular description that I would like to focus on this time.
This is the scene where Shanks is holding up his straw hat and talking to Luffy with the setting sun in the background.
Episode 1054. This is a frame depicted in Shanks’ recollection of seeing Luffy’s arrangement.
This description seems to indicate that Shanks is teaching Luffy what he has experienced outside the windmill village.
Luffy may have learned the words [pirate king] and [new era] from Shanks, as well as [the outside world].
And I think that the story of Shanks was the catalyst that led to [the end of the dream] as we gradually learned more about the outside world.

These are the important points about the “end of the dream” that we know so far.
There are five possible [end of dream] conditions that can be summarized from this point.

Condition 1. that Roger could not achieve.
Condition 2. to buy the world with a huge fortune.
Condition 3. free keywords
Condition 4. childish and impossible in the normal sense of the word.
Condition 5: The story Shanks told me about the outside world is the trigger.

Deriving answers from the conditions of [the end of his dream

First of all, let me reconfirm my idea of [the end of Luffy’s dream].
**Luffy’s [end of dream] is [to buy the world with the huge treasure he found in Raftel to help people around the world who are suffering from domination, and create one free country without domination]. **

Let’s look at this in light of the previous conditions.
Regarding condition 1. that Roger did not achieve, this is likely because he did not have enough time to accomplish it due to his incurable illness.
“He has one year to live.”
As per ship’s doctor Crocus’ line, Roger has one year left to live.
It was too short, not very short, to buy up all the countries in the world and create a free country.

Next, as for condition 2. of buying the world with vast treasures, this needs no explanation.
And the key word in condition 3. is about freedom, that even if Luffy becomes king of the world [he will never rule].
The country that Luffy wants to create is a country where he and everyone else can live freely, and he means the king of such a free world.
Regarding condition 4., which is childishly impossible in the normal sense of the word, first of all, it is impossible in the common sense of the word to buy countries all over the world and create a single country.
I can understand why Usopp denies that it is impossible.
And about the childishness, I would like to draw your attention to this description.

In episode 585, the childhood Luffy and his friends leave a note saying [they will become independent] and build their own house out of wood, and this description is an action right after Luffy and his friends talked about their dreams for each other.
It is clear that the idea of creating a country has been in Luffy’s mind since he was a child.
And finally, regarding the story of the outside world told by Shanks in Condition 6, this scene I mentioned earlier where Shanks is talking to Luffy holding up his straw hat and holding a newspaper.

At this time, we considered that Shanks was talking to Luffy about the outside world.
Not only were they talking about fun stuff, but they were most likely talking about the ruled countries around the world like [Alabaster], [Dress Rosa], [Wanokuni], and so on.
Since newspapers often carry unfortunate incidents, we can assume that the newspaper Ruffy was carrying at this time also carried an unfortunate country incident.
My guess is that the conversation they had at this time went something like this.

  • Luffy: “Shanks! What is this?”
  • Shanks: “People in that country cannot live freely. There are many such unfortunate countries in the world.”
  • Luffy: “Is that so? Then I’ll buy all those poor countries and build a free country! For a treasure payment!”

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