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Red-haired pirate cook "Lucky Luu" is a traitor!

Red-haired pirate cook "Lucky Luu" is a traitor!

I’m KENTA, and I’ve been going to “Mangakissa” so much lately that it has become a place where I feel more at home than at home.
This time, I would like to share my thoughts on my favorite character, Lucky Ruu, the cook of the Red-Haired Pirates.
He is so impressive that he is always seen with his meat on his face and is introduced alongside Beckman and Yasop.
One possibility emerged from a certain description in episode 1076.
It is the theory that “Lucky Ruu is a spy for Blackbeard’s pirates.

Shanks hates blueberries

The scene that triggered this theory is this one, where Kid’s pirates are about to land on the Giant Tribe’s island, El-Bafu.
This is the giant blueberry depicted next to Shanks.
At first glance, it does not seem strange, but it is actually a very strange situation.
The reason is that Shanks dislikes blueberries.

Blueberry in the language of flowers

Blueberry means fruitful life. A fruitful life, a meaningful life. Among them, “betrayal” is the most meaningful one.
Blueberry has a meaning of “betrayal” in the Western language of flowers.
Perhaps the reason why Blue Shanks hates blueberries is because he hates betrayal.

Lucky Lou eats blueberries

Recall well Lucky Lou, the star of the discussion.
Lucky Lou is meat. Meat anytime, anywhere.
In fact, it has appeared eight times from episode 1 to episode 1078, and each time it always has meat in one hand.
But look at this scene again.

Lucky Lou, who eats meat anytime, anywhere, is eating blueberries instead of meat only this time. This is uncomfortable.

His character resembles Teach

The most impressive scene in Lucky Lou is the first episode.
The scene where Lucky Lou shoots a bandit in the head with a gun.
It is a natural thing to do since pirates are the main characters in the story, but the way he shoots and kills people without hesitation and without hesitation while laughing and eating meat shows his brutal side as a pirate.
On the other hand, it was Lucky Ruu who taught Luffy the “fun of pirates.
I also have the strong impression that he is always happy and boisterous.
His pirate-like size and brutality are similar to the image of Blackbeard’s pirates.

Positions lacking in Blackbeard’s Pirates

We found evidence that Lucky Lou is a Blackbeard pirate from his position as well.

First, please check the positions of the initial members of Blackbeard’s pirates.

post Blackbeard’s Pirates
Combatant [2 years post steersman]. Burgess
Navigator Lafite
Sniper Auger
ship’s doctor Doc Q

You can see that the composition is surprisingly balanced.

The next comparison with the straw positions is this.

Job Title member of the straw team Blackbeard’s Pirates.
Combatant Zorro Burgess
navigator NAMI Lafite
sniper Usopp. ogre
cock Sanji ×x
ship’s doctor Chopper Doc Q

Did you notice?
Only the cook is missing from the initial members of Blackbeard’s Pirates.
And speaking of cooks, Lucky Ruu.
The cook was missing because Lucky Lou became a spy for the red-haired pirates.
These are the reasons why Lucky Lou is a spy so far.

When did Lucky Lou start spying?

If Lucky Lou was an ally [spy] of Blackbeard’s pirates, I will explain in detail when he started spying.
My guess is that Lucky Lou infiltrated the Red-Haired Pirates as a spy from the beginning.
The reason for this is simple: if he joined the Red-Haired Pirates from the beginning and was recruited by Blackbeard to become a spy along the way, Shanks would have noticed this change.
In other words, Lucky Ruu has been a spy from the beginning, infiltrating the Red-Haired Pirates 13-19 years ago.

Reader: Why? Wasn’t Blackbeard’s Pirates just created 2 years ago?

That’s right.
However, my hypothesis is that when Teach was a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, he already knew the four initial members and promised to create a pirate group later.
The reason for this is the scene in episode 434 where Shanks explains to Whitebeard about the wound in his left eye.
[It was Teach of the Whitebeard Pirates who gave me this wound…]

From this explanation, it seems that Whitebeard did not know that the wound in Shanks’ left eye was inflicted by Blackbeard.
This means that Teach inflicted the wound on Shanks 13-19 years before Shanks was inflicted.
Since he kept it a secret even from Captain Whitebeard and dealt with the powerful enemy Shanks, we can assume that he was not acting alone, but was working with Burgess, Lafitte, Auger, and Doc Q in some way.
In summary, this is the flow of events.

time series Events
26 years ago Blackbeard joins the Whitebeard Pirates (actually Blackbeard Pirates formed)
13 years - 9 years ago Shanks’ left eye is scarred
2 years ago Kills Satch → Joins Blackbeard’s pirates

Blackbeard even hid out on Whitebeard’s ship for over 20 years just to get one Yami Yami fruit.
He is a man who is so systematic and careful in his preparations.
Teach’s comment in episode 440 when Blackbeard invites Ace to join him.
I have planned all the means to rise to the top.
Joining the Shichibukai, attacking Impel Down, recruiting level 6 prisoners, obtaining only wobbly wobbly,
and joining the Four Emperors, all according to Blackbeard’s plan.

That’s all for this issue.
I have explained it so far, but as I said, that’s not true! I know there are many people who do not believe me. I understand that feeling.
However, we must not forget this line from Kaido.
[Pirates will betray you.]