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The world's first devil fruit that Blackbeard ate = 00 fruit

The world's first devil fruit that Blackbeard ate = 00 fruit

What is the real name of Marshall D. Teach’s Devil’s Fruit?

Indra, the god of thunder, stretches with yoga.

In other words, it has the same properties as rubber.

Hanuman, he is a monkey, and his clothes are exactly the same.

Shiva, god of destruction and rebirth, who can send snakes (Hancock).

He is also the supreme deity.

Remember the story of Nika, the combination of these three gods of Indian mythology?

Also, Indra’s brother is Agni.

Agni is the god of fire and has two faces (Ace and Sabo).

If we go this far, wouldn’t Shanks be in Indian mythology too?

With that in mind, I was digging deeper into Indra, the model for Luffy.

Then, to my surprise, I found a god who lost his position to Indra.

That is Dyaus.

Dyaus is the god of weather.

He is also the father of Indra and Agni.

In One Piece, the straw hat has been passed down from Roger, Shanks, and Luffy.

Ace’s father is Roger.

Luffy became a pirate because he admired Shanks.

Shanks is practically a father to Luffy, who didn’t know that Dragon was his father.

And Luffy inherited his will and became the pirate king.

This is practically a change of government, isn’t it?

And Dyaus seems to have the elements of a dragon.

He controls the wind.

Luffy’s hometown, Fusha Village, seems to be named after wind.

It’s not the end yet.

There was a god who shares the same origin etymology as Dyaus (candidate for Shanks) of Indian mythology.

That is Thule of Norse mythology.

I was so surprised to see that this was the model for Shanks that my eyes popped out like sugar.

I was so surprised that my eyes popped out like Sugar’s.

This Thule is the god of conciliation.

No, I’m here to end this war."


I’m convinced that he abandoned his skirmish with Kaidou and came here to end the Summit War, and that he enters a government agency that is the enemy, even though he is a pirate.

And what’s more, this Tule has been eaten by his arm and is one-armed.

Reader: eh, the end?

That’s why I was researching Norse mythology and the surrounding Greek mythology.

Then Blackbeard came up.

It is well known that Blackbeard was modeled after the real-life pirate Edward Teach.

The same with the beard.

He also has a gun.

Edward Teach was also called Blackbeard.

If there is a difference when you compare them, I thought Oda-sensei might be hiding something there.

I’m curious about these dorky pants.

Here it is, a necklace just like Cerberus.

The first thing that comes up there is the famous Cerberus theory.

He doesn’t sleep and has three skulls (faces) on the pirate flag.

The scars on Shanks.

Therefore, the Inuinu no Nitsu phantasmagoric model Cerberus.

But, you know, there are others.

That is the main one this time.

Hades from Greek mythology.

He is the god of the underworld.

The underworld is the world after death.

It is a pitch-dark underground.

Hades is also used as a model for Disney characters and other famous ones.

He is the owner of Cerberus.

Hades is the god of the land of the dead, who travels between this world and the next, and has an invisibility cloak.

Comes and goes between this world and the next?

Invisibility cloak?

Blackbeard’s pirates took Kagekage and Sukezuke, didn’t they?

And Hades is plundering the goddess Persephone.

You tried to take Bonnie.

There is also a god named Gaeleon who is Hades’ emissary.

This is bad.

The scholarly interpretation is that Gehryuon is the god of the underworld and the god of the earth.

That represents Yami Yami and Wobbly! I thought.

And three of these gods are also people.

Hades, Cerberus, Gehlion, and Asherah.

I could go on, but let’s settle down for a moment.

This is the only piece that talks about the sun and the moon.

If there’s a sun god, there’s also a moon god.

Nika’s ability is so strong that there is a need for a countervailing force to emerge.

The god of the sun and the ?

Moon God.

Nika and ?


Reader: Why Siku?

I’ve been expecting to see a lot of Hitohito’s real model, but since Nika, the sun god, is an imaginary god, don’t you think the moon god must be an imaginary god as well?

It seems strange that only the moon god is a god that exists in our world.

I think Nika comes from laughter, and the opposite is Siku, which comes from crying.

Isn’t that like Oda-sensei?

He is crying under the moon.

Also on the cover of vol. 96,

Blackbeard’s childhood is also depicted on the cover of volume 96.

The eminent faces on the cover in this supremely important volume.

There is an important depiction of Blackbeard as a small child, considering that he is already abnormal when he was small.

There is one.

This picture.

He is crying under the moon.

God of the moon.


I thought you couldn’t sleep at night because you were crying.

Yami Yami’s ability to take excessive damage.

Blackbeard is as tough as Luffy.

That means he is Zoong-kei.

Otherwise, there is no need for Yami Yami to take excessive damage.

Blackbeard’s appeal to be tough.

He doesn’t sleep.

He takes away his abilities.

Longer than human life.

Multiple people.

To explain all this, we need to combine the multiple gods of the underworld around Hades.

I knew there was no other way but to go the imaginary god route, just like Nika, who was modeled on Indra, Shiva, and Hanuman together.

The scene that takes away the ability and.

There was the scene where he nullifies the devil fruit,

It’s hard to tell because it’s all jumbled up.

The one that takes away the ability is related to the god of the underworld, so it’s a shiku fruit.

It is the dark vortex that nullifies.

It is the dark hole way that attracts.

Therefore, it is Yami Yami no Mi.

If he ate this shiku-no-Fruit as soon as he can remember, it all makes sense against Blackbeard, who is full of mysteries.

Blackbeard knows a lot about devil fruits, so it would be natural for him to want the Yami Yami fruit once he realizes that it goes well with his own body (shiku).

And it’s only natural that the god of the underworld (the god of life and death) had a person with the ability of Kagekage-no-Fruit at his place.

Because Blackbeard is going to use it from now on.

And this person’s name is Gekko Moriah, Gekko.

Conclusion: Hitohito’s fruit, a phantasmagoric species, model Siku (god of the moon)

Siku = god of the underworld (Hades + Gehlione + Cerberus)

By the way, Indra was fighting with Asura,

I think Asura was the start of the idea.

Asura also has three faces, and I thought there could be a model Asura, but just as Luffy can’t be explained by Indra alone, I can’t explain Blackbeard by Asura alone.

Hanuman was the most powerful in Indian mythology.

Hades had the highest power in Greek mythology.

That’s what I mean.

You announced the bounty on Roger and the four previous Emperors in episode 957.

They all have fractions that mean something.

Roger is Roger with 648.

Kaido is Pirates of the Hundred Beasts.

Big Mam is Mother.

Shanks is 489 Shanks.

Whitebeard is white.

They don’t consider 0.

Then Blackbeard is 9600.

But it’s not.

He changes it all the way.

There’s definitely a meaning to these numbers.

4760, 476.

No matter how much research I do, I can’t find a single clean thing about 476.

So I have no choice but to split this into two.

It’s a moon for nighttime crying.

I was thinking that Luffy is the sun god and Blackbeard is the moon god.

But straw hats are just for protection from the sun.

Don’t you think it is strange?

Why would the sun god wear something to protect himself against the sun?

Why is there a moon behind the sun god Nika in the scene?

Why are the sun (Luffy) and the moon (Blackbeard) in the same D?

Luffy and Blackbeard are enemies, so why does Im-sama have hostile feelings towards each of them?

Why is D, who would have originally been a member of God’s family, called God’s natural enemy?

One solution to this story is that it is not a one-on-one composition, but a three-way conflict, and all contradictions are resolved.

People don’t realize this because they are led to believe that it is one on one between D and the government.

D was originally a family of one god, but they fought over the D of the sun and the D of the moon.

Then a third party wanted the name of God and intervened.

They were the ones who fished out, and they are the ones who rubbed out history.

Luffy, who ate the fruit of the sun god, is the family of the moon side.

Teach, who ate the fruit of the Moon God, is the family of the Sun side.

Actually, this solves everything. I’ll see you next time.

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