How Blackbeard got the wobbly fruit from Whitebeard.
Feb 3, 2024
Hello! I am KENTA, a Japanese who loves manga.
Let’s discuss it right away. Suddenly, remember this scene? This is the scene where Blackbeard takes the wobbly fruit from Whitebeard.
Originally, when a person with the ability dies, the devil fruit reappears somewhere in the world.
However, Blackbeard was able to obtain Whitebeard’s wobbly fruit on the spot at this time.
Is it Blackbeard’s special ability? No, it is not.
I realized the amazing mechanism of the devil’s fruit. Let me introduce it in detail.
The model of devil’s fruit is a forbidden fruit First of all, devil’s fruits are shaped like various fruits. As you can see, there are melons, bananas, pineapples, and lots of them.
But only the popular fruit, the devil’s fruit [in the shape of an apple], is missing.
Actually, this is very important.
I think the model for the devil’s fruit is [the forbidden fruit of the Old Testament], which is the point of this discussion.
Do you remember what the story of the forbidden fruit is about?
It is the story of Adam and Eve who eat the [forbidden fruit], a fruit they are not supposed to eat, at the behest of the serpent.